
Introducing Stan2tfp - a lightweight interface for the Stan-to-TensorFlow Probability compiler

TL;DR The new Stan compiler has an alternative backend that allows you to do this: stan2tfp is a lightwight interface for this …

Mr. P meets TFP - mixed effects model with post-stratification in TensorFlow Probability

TL;DR We’ll: Learn an interesting method for generalizing inferences from a biased sample to a population of interest See why …

Bayesian golf puttings, NUTS, and optimizing your sampling function with TensorFlow Probability

TL;DR We’ll: Port a great Bayesian modelling tutorial from Stan to TFP Discuss how to speed up our sampling function Use the …

Survival analysis, censoring and hacking the log_prob in TensorFlow Probability

TL;DR Survival analysis is a super useful technique for modelling time-to-event data; implementing a simple survival analysis using TFP …

Varying Slopes Models and the CholeskyLKJ distribution in TensorFlow Probability

TL;DR Covariance matrices allow us to capture parameter correlations in multivariate hierarchical models; sampling these using …

A Tutorial on Varying Intercepts Models with TensorFlow Probability

Intro This post is about building varying intercepts models using TensorFlow Probability (“TFP”). It’s basically my …